DefineFor business, yesterday realities are not today’s. And Today’s won’t be tomorrow’s. All the keys signpost that managers once followed so confident have been erased by the storm of change. Traditional competitors have faded away, while new ones have emerged. And fewer resources available to meet rising demands have put unprecedented strains on corporations. At the center of this change, however, there is one constant to serve the customer. Today more than ever, nothing much matter unless it makes the customer happy… very happy. Having a clear sense of business boundaries and of the definition of your core business is a critical starting point for growth strategy. Which areas must be defended at all cost, and which are not strategic?. What is the true source of differentiation and capabilities in order to compete in the future?. Perhaps the greatest danger in companies came from mistakes in business definition that led to premature departure from the core. As simple as it sounds, achieving growth is hard because most organizations protect status quo, and growth requires change. |